if i closed my eyes | Teen Ink

if i closed my eyes

December 2, 2010
By RippedPaperWings GOLD, Clairmont, Other
RippedPaperWings GOLD, Clairmont, Other
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

If I just closed my eyes
Even for a second
The whole world would pass me by
Forgetting that ive been left behind
If I closed my eyes
There would be no more tears
To fall for horrible sights
If I closed my eyes
I’d be able to smile
Even though there’d be no more light
If I closed my eyes
Everything would stop
There’d be no more lies
And id never have to watch you die
If I closed my eyes
I wouldn’t have to see
Everything going on around me
And all the rest wouldn’t be left
Because I wouldn’t open my eyes
To see it all falling before me

The author's comments:
when everythings falling around you and you just want to close your eyes and shut the world out and just hope when you open them everything's going to be better

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