The Past is a Present for Fixing the Earth | Teen Ink

The Past is a Present for Fixing the Earth

January 7, 2011
By scenexgore PLATINUM, Iron City, Tennessee
scenexgore PLATINUM, Iron City, Tennessee
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It’s cold outside,

But I don’t feel a thing,
He’s come to our dark place,

Yet we are lost,

And didn’t save a space,
The one time,

We could have seen,

The silent night,

And the angels sing,

The lowest of class,

Was given a pass,

To witness the most compassionate act,
US on the outside,

Were invited in,

To see his love,

And be forgiven of sin,
The perfect gift was given to us,

So we might not live forever as dust,
The one time,

We could have seen,

The silent night,

And the angels sing,

The lowest of class,

Was given a pass,

To witness the most compassionate act,
Peace on earth was never possible,

Until god did the unfathomable,

The perfect present was given to earth,

To fill that gap between heaven and earth,
It’s white outside,
Dressing the famous night, In a manger inside,

A king delivered the light

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