What Poetry Means To Me | Teen Ink

What Poetry Means To Me

January 18, 2011
By singshopshout GOLD, Pickerington, Ohio
singshopshout GOLD, Pickerington, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

What Poetry Means To Me
I write the words swiftly onto my page.
Sometimes I'm full of inspiration, joy, sadness, or rage.
The words to say come naturally as I write.
Through my poetry feelings of passion and inspiration I try to ignite.
Poetry is an expression of who I am,
What I believe in , and where I stand.
Writing poetry to me is not like a hobby or a sport.
To poetry all of those things fall short.
It's just what I enjoy, what I love, what I cherish.
I will always love to write even until I perish.
Through poetry I tell people how I feel.
Or share the good news of how my God is real.
Me without poetry is like a pilot without a plane,
A drummer without a drum, or a rainbow without any rain.
I write poetry in the morning and at night.
I write when it's storming or when the sun's out and bright.
I write poetry on any day, any time.
I write poetry in any way, any rhyme.
Writing poetry is just what I do.
I hope poetry has the same effect on YOU!!!

The author's comments:
This is how passionately I feel about passion.

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