Let's Have A Grand Ole Time! | Teen Ink

Let's Have A Grand Ole Time!

January 9, 2011
By dkprehn BRONZE, St. James, Maryland
dkprehn BRONZE, St. James, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Let’s Have a Grand ole time!”
In the moonlight the scoundrels come and go
Like the tide comes in and out to greet its safe shore.
And all is fair when the soft shimmer will grow
To those who believe that it is real, but lower heads when there is no more.
O’ they go and dance and pray of what is to come.
But quietly, softly and honestly the light fades
Into a purer light of pain and sacrifice and love.
The masses struggle on at the sound of the coming days
Of a force more powerful and pure than anything that amounts to fame or glory,
But leveled, with all that is untrue and fantasized.
Here, yes here in the land, miracles are performed more honest than any book
And out of the misery comes pure and precious size.
But what of the ones who never see that shimmering moonlight
And never dream of greener heart?
Do they squander all they have to obtain it
And flee into Zelus’ arms or Pasqual’s hearth?
All that is fair is rewarded and
All who receive its glory are glorified.
For on a night like tonight the fools chant and sing fleeing their grime
Hoping that they will have a grand ole time!

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