Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

February 23, 2011
By katttt SILVER, Parma, Ohio
katttt SILVER, Parma, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're my best friend
I'm yours too
I'm always there for you
I'm like your other shoe
I've got your back
You've got mine
I wont let you cry
I'll even give you some pie
I'll do anything for you
I'll even turn into a cow
I'm your therapist
You are mine
You were there when i cried
IF you weren't i would have died
I'm lucky to have you
Don't ever leave
Because your my best friend
And that's how its ment to be.

The author's comments:
This piece of poetry was not writing by myself but from my lovely best friend Mallory. We love each other to death and confide in each others poems and loving words. This was dedicated to me in my book one day while Mallory had it. I found my book on my desk with a new poem in it. Turned out it was from Mallory. I love you girly.<3

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