My Battle With Time | Teen Ink

My Battle With Time

May 2, 2011
By Andrea Scibetta SILVER, North Tonawanda, New York
Andrea Scibetta SILVER, North Tonawanda, New York
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Every day I searched for the secrets of time.
I gave everything to try and make it pause.......rewind
Every day I searched for the secrets of time.
I tried to find my way back into the past. fast forward
I tried to find my future.
I gave everything to try and make it stop. freeze
So that I could capture the beauty of the moment and engrave it in my mind forever,
But time passed by me before I even had a chance to consider.
For years I studied time,
Until I'd realized how much I'd lost in doing so.
Time will never be my friend, but I can't afford to be its enemy.
So now I live for the moment.
I take pictures to remember.
I say what's in my heart.
I go dancing in the rain.
I watch the sun rise each morning.
I am strengthened by my trials.
I am not afraid of dying.
And I have defeated time.

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