My own mirror | Teen Ink

My own mirror

July 5, 2011
By LostinMusic SILVER, Los Lunas, New Mexico
LostinMusic SILVER, Los Lunas, New Mexico
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Every end always has a new beginning...<br /> Imagination always wins...

I look in the mirror and I see a girl with blonde hair and eyes as dark and empty as a pool less waterfall staring back at me. I look out the window its raining hard and heavy. I close my eyes and all my memories come rushing back. I no longer touch with my hands, but with my ears. I no longer listen with them, but with my mind. Once I close my eyes I am a woke by a world full of dreams and fields full of happiness and love. The face I once knew, my face... Not the girl people have shifted and crumbled to their satisfaction, but the girl who knew innocence and pure love. But when I open my eyes its all back running. Still standing in the same spot looking out into the heavy rain. Still the girl that has been throw and shifted my world has vanished....

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