My Heart & His | Teen Ink

My Heart & His

July 27, 2011
By Paciencia98 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Paciencia98 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I live somewhere between Hope and Fear. Hope that this time it could be different. Fear that it won&#039;t turn out like it was before. <br /> Meaning the person i loved the most left because of some thing stupid.

My Heart &amp; His
My Friend &amp; His
They told me about your surgery and the first thing that went through my mind was, What if he dies?
What if that does happen how depressed will I be?
How hard that will be.
I would sit in my room and not eat nor drink even sleep til I know he is still Breathing!
Til I know that he will be there to say I love you.
To say baby I miss You when we hang up the phone.
To be there at school to say how much he loves me.
To be there in my dreams.
To be there to help me with my Personal issues.
To be there to tell me not to go and beat some girl senseless.
To hold me close and say in yours.
To be there to wipe the tears off my face when i cry for my friends.
To be there with me when i hold my friends close while they cry to me and explain to me what happened.
To be there to kiss me and say everything will be okay.
To be there to hug me when i need one.
My Friend &amp; His.
My Heart &amp; His.

The author's comments:
It was from a feeling i had when my boyfriend at the time had to get a Heart Transplant. He did survive it just so evry one knows.

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