Diversity Means... | Teen Ink

Diversity Means...

November 16, 2011
By erynne1234 BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
erynne1234 BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Conform to Perfection
If we all looked alike;
Snow-white faces with stone-cold features
We all sit in our desks and face the board
And blink in unison
We all go to the same church
Sing the same songs
Vote for the same person
In the same party
Each time
Share the same heritage
And learn the war stories
Of how our merciless ancestors
Conquered the world and killed those who were different
We are all zombies
Hearing the same brainwash
We do not accept anything original
There is no opposing force
To tell us our differences make us special
We are stuck in a state of immobility
Never advancing
Because we are already perfect

The author's comments:
written for the reflections competition

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