Pray for Another | Teen Ink

Pray for Another

December 15, 2011
By RhiRhia SILVER, Kent, Washington
RhiRhia SILVER, Kent, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To live in the past is to live in a nightmare,
To live in the present is to live in an awaiting Dream.
-Me :)

Sun over the water,
Water colored sky,
Unmistakably Natural Music,
Rippling and crashing of the waves,
Sliding of the sand as you step on it,
All the troubles in the world seem to wash away,
Reality checks out,
Like you, it takes a vacation,
Drama dissipates with the tide,
A momentary lapse of personal guard
A moment of peace and relaxation,
A piece of a dream,
Something one would only dream for,
Memories and pain washed away,
As footsteps beneath the receding waves,
Heavy heart lightened by the smell of salt in the air,
Almost gagging the sour attitude out of you,
Gentle Breezes remind you of the freedom,
For a moment you are happy,
Not happy to keep away others,
But truly relaxed and happy,
A moment at which you can’t help but pray thanks for,
We all want it,
Whether in the mountains,
In the City,
On stage,
Or simply in your backyard,
Everyone yearns for that moment,
Therefore when you get it,
Steal it,
Hold it in a death grip,
And remember it,
Then pray for another.

The author's comments:
I was just got to thinking and wrote what ran through my mind :)

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