You Call That Art? | Teen Ink

You Call That Art?

January 22, 2012
By ThisIsMyDream BRONZE, Edmonton, Other
ThisIsMyDream BRONZE, Edmonton, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Sometimes it&#039;s the biggest smiles that are hiding the biggest hurts~<br /> <br /> ~It isn&#039;t about waiting for the storm to end but about learning to dance in the rain~

Some call writing an art
Is it really
With so many books
So many authors
Have we lost the true meaning

Is writing unique
With so few words in the world
With so little unique phrases
A book can only be so different
From the next

Do books all have the same meaning
Be kind, be honest, be patient, be happy
Have no regrets, do good, have fun, always love
Are these the words we're trying to say

Painting, dancing, singing
These are arts
Drawing and fashion
Those are too

Nobody can paint the same picture twice
But we can write the same book
When somebody can copy our work
Is it really art

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