Vast Expanse | Teen Ink

Vast Expanse

April 23, 2012
By Bekah Storm BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Bekah Storm BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I remember the first day I spent at the ocean.

I remember walking along the shore
Searching for shells to take home.

I remember the white, wet beach sand
Squishing between my toes
And around my feet,
Making them cold.

I remember leaving footprints everywhere I went.

I remember the early morning sun rising beyond the ocean.

I remember the warm-colored pattern across the sky
That the sunrise created.

I remember the cold, salty ocean water
Splashing around my feet
Sending chills up my body.

I remember the crabs scurrying across my feet when the tide descended,
Trying to bury themselves deep into the sand.

I remember the vast expanse of ocean,
Never able to see where it ended,
Only where it began.

Although visiting the ocean for the first time was a fantastic memory,
My favorite memory is yet to come.

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