With my Ghost I'll Stay | Teen Ink

With my Ghost I'll Stay

May 11, 2012
By Bella.Electra PLATINUM, Phoenix, Arizona
Bella.Electra PLATINUM, Phoenix, Arizona
23 articles 2 photos 6 comments

"I don't trust you!"
The words just spilled
out I'm sorry,
dear coyote.

The world then
seemed so spin
so slow
and the comment
made stopped
it from turning.

Now it is dead.
Silent and still.
Only because I spoke
what was in my heart,
and on my mind.

My ghost then
jumps in,
pulling me away.
I tell him that it's
not fair,
that I have more to say.

So he releases
his grasp
of sanity and sends
me rushing back
at my former friend.

He sends me falling back
to emotional insanity.
And I demolish
What I had with a boy
that I used to trust.

The boy that
Promised he'd never hurt me.
And that he'd never hurt himself.

When I'm finished destroying
What I'd started,
My ghost pulls me back up from
My old friend's grave.
He told me to turn away,
and that with him I should stay.
"I trust you!"

The author's comments:
I got in an arguement with my ex and an unlikely friend pulled me out. Thank you, Ghost.

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