the words | Teen Ink

the words

May 17, 2012
By LizzyApplePie PLATINUM, Grand Island, New York
LizzyApplePie PLATINUM, Grand Island, New York
36 articles 3 photos 0 comments

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Eyes look your last, arms take your last embrace, and you o'lips, doors of breath, place a righteous kiss.

i know them all
i know them by heart
i use my soul to yell them out and call
in the group, I've done my part

i belt them out
i feel released
i feel empty when they're over
the lyrics i shout
alone i feel like a wild beast
my life passes by in a blur

the words pass through my mind
i try to make them true
i try to leave the girl in the mirror behind
i feel like i know but i haven't a clue

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