Shattered | Teen Ink


June 28, 2012
By hbrhr PLATINUM, Granville, Ohio
hbrhr PLATINUM, Granville, Ohio
20 articles 0 photos 3 comments

And so here I lay
Jagged chunks of moonlight
Shattered by the window panes
Scatter across the floor
Coming and going at the clouds' whim.
My bare feet nimbly pick their way
Across the groaning floorboards
Carefully avoiding the broken light.
My rough calloused hands find the smooth
Wooden neck of my instrument
And each note pulled, plucked
Careens haphazardly into the night
Bumping into planets and stars
Soaring high above.
But one note looses its way
It hits your window
As if I were throwing stones
And you make your way to look out
Into the cool darkness
Careful not to step on the broken light.

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