Pike's Dilemma | Teen Ink

Pike's Dilemma

July 16, 2012
By CatCam GOLD, San Diego, California
CatCam GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Writers aren't exactly people, they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person" F. Scott Fitzgerald.

What shall I do with him?
I stand here were colors are alive,
Were trees do not cast shadows,
Lakes are diamond clear,
Birds are gods,
Swords fly,
Mountains are the view,
And gods of all shape, size, and color preside
But what shall I do here?

Here is the place of my birth but it is not home
Home is with my brothers and sisters
Home is were the heart is
This place were others call Haven is Hell to me
I look at the white trees with birds nesting and see my uncles stern face
I go down below were my father lived and sadness crushes me
My brothers of blood torture me
That is not home
This is not home
Where is home you ask?
Where my heart lays
With my twelve siblings
Siblings of the heart

Since the night of my birth all gods scorn me
They fear my power but need my help
Now that I have saved them they smile a toothy smile
Now that my father saved me I am cornered into a wall
Forced to grant a wish that shall burden my heart
A father that is crazy wants chaos
As do my birth family

All I want is peace
The souls good and evil come to me for guidance
Good seek me for sanctuary
And evil seek me for peace
How shall I give or get with my father Hades underfoot

All I ask is for I may not kill him
He is an evil the world needs as our my brothers
I ask who shall a god pray to?
Hope is scarce and I need guidance
Who shall a god who pray to?

The author's comments:
The family you are borne to is not always the family you have. Sometime the family that you make is better in every way.

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