One Day the Wind Will Come | Teen Ink

One Day the Wind Will Come

October 23, 2012
By DiscipleKapski BRONZE, San Pedro, California
DiscipleKapski BRONZE, San Pedro, California
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

One dark day
in a land far away
a mother was in labor.

Something went wrong
and soon she was gone
and nothing on earth could have saved her.

That was the day
the wind went away
and the father was broken hearted.

The baby survived
and the boy felt deprived
and the wind was forever departed.

The dad had a kite
precious in his sight
but decided to pass on the treasure,

To his son to show care
and so they could share
a hope of the wind beyond measure.

The boy loved the kite
with all of his might
and always kept hope in his heart,

that the wind would return
and his father’s heart wouldn’t burn
with the pain of feeling apart.

But the dad had lost hope
and could no longer cope
with the empty feeling inside.

So one dark day
when the wind was away
he took a knife to his throat and died.

When the boy found out
his hope turned to doubt
and his kite gathered dust in the attic;

Then one fateful day
the sun went away
leaving the siblings ecstatic.

The sun wasn’t seen
by the innocent teen
who was hoping the wind would arrive;

His heart was a glow
and his hope was a flow
and he finally felt alive

He ran with delight
to go fetch the kite
to do what he’d always dreamed of.

He waited so long
to now share this bond
with his parents in heaven above;

Leaving the boy
with unending joy
of which he never let go.

The boy learned that day
that though the wind fades away
it will always continue to blow.

And so now you see
what a beauty life can be
when a father loves his son;

It’s displayed with a kite
and a hope shining bright
that one day the wind will come!

The author's comments:
This was a piece that me and my friends Sierra H. and Peter Di T. wrote for an assignment for British Literature. Enjoy! <3

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