Klepto | Teen Ink


November 15, 2012
By Derek101 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Derek101 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were Friends
For the longest time
I trusted you more than anyone else I knew…
And you betrayed me
You stole from me...
Trusted you and you stole it and lied about it...
You’re dead to me
A name I know no longer...
I sit and wonder how could you?
Why would you do it…?
Then I understand I should’ve listened to them...
But I didn’t, and I was a fool to defend you.
But in reality you really are a clepto
Ruined our friendship for a messily 20$
It’s pathetic how you lied your way to get it...
You had it planed didn’t you?
It doesn’t matter anymore
Everybody knows now
You’re a nobody now just a name that vanished in the wind.

The author's comments:
I hate Klepto's

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