Wishing | Teen Ink


December 21, 2012
By Deep-Blue-Sea SILVER, Choctaw, Oklahoma
Deep-Blue-Sea SILVER, Choctaw, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Ask me no queations and I'll tell you no lies."

I wished that people would stop judging.
And that people would only care.
wouldn't that make a better life for everyone out there?

I wished that people would forgive.
And we could only to love.
Knowing that we all come from God above.

I wished for an angel to watch me.
And I wished for one for you too.
So that it could always guide and protect you.

My friends all laughed.
And thought it was a joke.
For they didn't know the truth I spoke.
I wished for world peace.
And we would only smile.
Never a cross word not even once and a while.
I wished and wish with all I had.
And one day the a thought came to me.
I should stop wishing the impossible and just let things be.

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