Am I Nothing | Teen Ink

Am I Nothing

December 31, 2012
By Sailormoon118 SILVER, Tijaras, New Mexico
Sailormoon118 SILVER, Tijaras, New Mexico
8 articles 4 photos 1 comment

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A house with no supports couldn&#039;t stand nither can we. My support is the Lord what&#039;s yours?<br /> Psalm 62:6<br /> He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

I see only darkness.
I hear only silence.
I feel nothing.
Maybe I am nothing.
Can you see me?
Can you hear my screams?
Can you feel me?
I am reaching out desperately,
Reaching out into the dark.
Can anybody hear me?
The silence crushes me.
Maybe I really am nothing.
Maybe nobody sees me.
Maybe nobody hears me.
Maybe I should give up.
If I am nothing nobody will see.
Nobody will know.
What if I am not nothing?
What if they hear?
What if they see?
Will they care?
Or do they see me as nothing.

The author's comments:
I'm not depressed, i recently created a roleplay character who became blind, she lost her sight and it scares her, but she can still hear and feel and she is so thankful for that. It got me to thinking if she couldn't hear or feel would she see herself as nothing? Not knowing what was going on in any way how could she know if someone was watching and if someone cared. So, ya I know this sounds way dark but its not exactly meant to be taken that way.

Stop and think, would you wonder if you were nothing if you could not hear or see or even feel? How could you really know you still existed

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