society | Teen Ink


January 10, 2013
By blboling5 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
blboling5 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where has society gone?

Where are these humans?
All I see are these animals
Living in a dog eat dog world,
Eat or be eaten.

In the mind of those who fends for themselves and their family
They don’t notice the harm they are doing to the world
It destroys, decapitates and deadens the meaning of right from wrong.
All I see are people caring for themselves,
What happened to being friendly?
What happened to caring for others?

Everyday people surprise me,
Shootings at high schools,
Shootings at movie theaters,
Shootings at elementary schools.

These killers need help
And if no one notices that they need help
Maybe our society should come out of there shell
And start living together and helping one another
Than living life alone,
Maybe it’s not the killers that need the most help,
If this doesn't stop who knows how crazy the world could get
Maybe this is a better question to ask.

Where is society going?

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