New York 2:38 AM | Teen Ink

New York 2:38 AM

January 11, 2013
By clare4567 BRONZE, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
clare4567 BRONZE, Willow Street, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

New York 2:38 AM
Never have I felt so alive
As we stumble through the streets of the city
It’s just us
We own the moon & the stars
Glances of excitement exchanged between teenage eyes
Here no one knows us and we can be who we want to be
Nothing will hold us back tonight

I see your smile bright like the moon
Almost incomprehensible because my brain is so blurred
People stare but we don’t notice
We owe them nothing

Just some crazy kids ready to fly the coop
Taking pleasure in our few days of independence
We wont think about tomorrow and our inevitable return
when our freedom again is detained like a prisoner

People say you can’t see the stars in the city because of the lights
But I swear I can see a million above us
Shining with the moon

In the streets of New York we are free
While we run the world flashes by
And we feel infinite

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