What Blue is to me | Teen Ink

What Blue is to me

January 13, 2013
By writing-is-my-passion BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
writing-is-my-passion BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

What is blue?

Blue is the color of crashing waves,

Pounding on the surface in endless change.

Blue is the color of water, still in dark caves,

Blue is the color of the crystal clear sky,

Stitched in a frame of the waves gone high.

Blue is the color of an icy stare,

Piercing the soul with a fierce glare.

Blue is the color of the frigid wind,

Pounding against your taut thin skin.

Blue is like a steely soul,

Clearing the way for the chill winds to blow.

What is blue to you?

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