Them... | Teen Ink


January 15, 2013
By Anonymous

I love him.
I love him not.
I love him.
I love him not.
These are the things I say to myself.
Do I love him?
I'm not sure.
But as each day begins,
Another guy comes into my life
that I love a little bit more.
People I thought had left forever
Come back into my life.
And I wonder,
Does he really want me?
Or is he using me.
But just as I begin to stop liking him,
And start liking another.
He says something.
Does something.
That puts me back on my feet.
And I'm left liking all of them at once.
But then he closes in on me,
Pressuring me into things
I don't want to do.
I shouldn't like him.
But I still do.
So I begin to cut the dangerous ones from my life
And I'm left with one.
A good, genuine guy.
But he doesn't like me back.
And I'm left to watch him fall in love,
With my best friend.
It hurts.
So I run back to the bad ones
And I'm forced to
Do things
Say things
Want things
That I really don't want to
And I'm confused

Do I Love him?
No I love them...

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