Age in the mind Youth in the mirror | Teen Ink

Age in the mind Youth in the mirror

February 11, 2013
By Kevin-Lorthe BRONZE, Maynard, Massachusetts
Kevin-Lorthe BRONZE, Maynard, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm worst at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed."-Kurt Cobian

My god
I'm feeling lonely
As I stand here beneath the ceiling
Divulge to me
A greater meaning
Lest I slow myself to a crawl
Meaningless meanings
Teenage dreaming
Who am I
What am I feeling
So stereotypical
But I somehow I feel individual
As I lie here on my own
Old age might soon find me
My brain becoming hard to hold
Only in my mind I feel elderly
Weathered soul
Adolescent body
This life is mine and mine alone
My god
I feel lonely
As I lie here on my own

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