Night | Teen Ink


February 6, 2013
By CatCam GOLD, San Diego, California
CatCam GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Writers aren't exactly people, they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person" F. Scott Fitzgerald.

When I look into the mirror I see passion of the flame
When I look into the mirror I see purity
When I look into the mirror I see only ME

They come with a smile arms wide open
They gate the sheep like the hounds they are under the skin
They herd the people from old homes to new farms

All I can say is farewell to all I love
All I feel both inside and out is a fire to the fear
All I have now is a father to hold on to

A crack of a whip whistling through the air is what I hear
A blow to the head comes for a father who is scared
A shot rings for those who do not comply

Faith is what we gather for
Faith is all some have in their heart
Faith is what I have lost long ago
Faith is what condemn us to endless NIGHT

An Angle has risen from the shadows
An Angle that brings hope and love to all that seeks it
An Angle is caught within the nexus of the NIGHT
An Angle suffers a cruel death
An Angle's light is out and so is the people's hope

Running for our life through the white barren land
Running from the cold that creeps upon our limbs
Running for one another in order to survive

Death glides upon us
Death is what we lay with when we close our eyes for the Angles
Death is all we have in our eyes

Sickness and sorrow is what follows a father
Sickness I try to chase away
Sickness takes all I that I have

I live in a cage filled with young ones who should be innocent
I feel nothing of what has became of me
I listen with dread were my should be
I see what they see as hope up ahead
I see a flag with a star
I see freedom

When I look into a mirror I see the dullness of the dead
When I look into a mirror I see a stained soul
When I look into a mirror I see a STRANGER!

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