I Want to Write | Teen Ink

I Want to Write

March 7, 2013
By Kerry9 BRONZE, Ferndale, Michigan
Kerry9 BRONZE, Ferndale, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve"- Perks of Being a Wallflower, "The Root of Suffering is Attachment'-Buddha, "Destroy what destroys you"

One day I want to write something beautiful
something so flawless in its truth
I want to write what someone wants to read
I want to say something that someone wants to hear
I want my words to perfectly twine
with my meaning.
I want someone to finish reading my work
and smile because a thought has been planted
in their brain that they never before thought.
I want someone to find comfort in my words
because they wrote the same ones down too
but pressed backspace because they were scared
what people might think.
I want to write about the calmness of an ocean shore
but the fright in the waves deeper up coast.
I want to write about the tranquility of a dimly lit room
playing your favorite tunes.
I want to write about how much I miss you
and I want you to read it and miss me too.
I want to write about my favorite feelings
and then I want someone to feel that way too.
I want to write about the happiness summer brings
and the sadness winter consume us in.
I want to write about the best moments I spent.
I want to write about my lowest times.
I want to write down all mistakes
and by the last words be proud of myself.
I want to write something that someone else
will be proud of me too for.
I want someone to show my work to their best friend
and say I use to know her
or something like that.
I want to type up a piece
that will someday mean something
to somebody.
I want to write something
that inspires someone else.
Maybe to step outside of their comfort zone
or maybe to write something themselves.
I want to write something filled with significance
and at the end I want to sign my name
so that everyone knows
I wrote it.

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