moving | Teen Ink


March 11, 2013
By monypooh12 BRONZE, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
monypooh12 BRONZE, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

if I wasn't moving to New York pretty soon
we probably wouldn't even be exploring this thing. us. me and you. 
but I am, so we are. 
though it hasn't gotten very far. 
I mean I don't know what your apartment is like in the middle of the night, 
or how it feels to ride on the back of your bike,
or how far you would go just to prove you were right,
or to prove I was wrong just out of spite.

but I want to know where you go to buy lemons.
and if you never ever buy lemons, I want to know that too.
I want to memorize your hardwood floors
so I can paint the on the inside of my eyelids
next time I’m on a plane or subway
or next time you’re 2,000 miles away
or right next to me, just because it’s comforting.
and do you think you’re fridge is big enough or that I’m small enough to sit inside?
will you become irritated if I get so sick of people that I refuse to go outside
and if that happens, which it very probably might,
will you climb through my very tall window
like an enthusiastic burglar just to visit me at night.

‘cause boy,
I want to show you off to the sunset.
I want to throw your picture from some rooftops.
I want to tell you that I’ve never been in love yet.
so can I study at you’re kitchen table?
may I paint my toenails on your bathroom floor?
sometimes can we watch netflix, since I know you don’t have cable?
do you think one day I’ll have my very own key to that front door?

you make moving seem massive.....insanely beautiful
I just wish you would call more, cause your voice is downright musical.
but for now I’ll just keep on living green
harnessing the solar power and renewable energy
produced by your text messages
illuminating in the dark,
which sometimes make me feel like a firefly,
because fireflies react to bright lights in a very sexual manner.
two words: mating signals.
it is kind of depressing though that you’ve become just a contact in an iphone.
yet somehow sometimes you still manage to make me feel so alive
like watching that little “I’m typing” speech bubble
and knowing you’re really there
right on the other side.

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