Time Bomb | Teen Ink

Time Bomb

March 18, 2013
By chloem16 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
chloem16 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk...the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. - Jack Kerouac

The ticking time bomb in my brain will never go off because it is imaginary.
Just a metaphor to explain the pulsing in my skull
But I can always hear it ticking.
In marching band we have to walk in step with the beat of the music and
I like to think of my time bomb in a similar fashion.
Others around me move about this Earth at their own pace but
my time bomb is always
tick tick ticking in my head
and to keep in step I am always
walking always
thinking a little bit faster than everybody else.
Some days I cry rebellion and try to break free.
If I play music loud enough
laugh hard enough
sometimes I swear I can feel it lifting
But it’s always there in the back of my brain
tick tick ticking
It drowns out my thoughts my head screams logic screams to calm down
but an imaginary bomb can tick as loud as it wants
tick tick ticking always
tick tick ticking
I am so sorry I cannot break away from it
even for you.
They tell me to calm down
It’s all in my head
But even in a lucid dream dying is a nightmare
I know it isn’t real but it hurts anyway.
The first day the time bomb appeared I thought it was funny, ironic
By the second day it’s ticking was etched into my brain
feet move autonomic by the third day I realized
it was not a bomb but a monster inside of me
The ticking time bomb in my head is only a figment of my imagination
but if so why does it control me
The ticking time bomb in my head is only a figment of my imagination
but in each beat I recognize myself getting smaller and smaller
The ticking time bomb in my head is only a figment of my imagination
but I have to keep in step
I have to keep in step
I have to keep step
Because nothing will happen when I don’t.

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