The Ringleader's Chaos | Teen Ink

The Ringleader's Chaos

April 30, 2013
By PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A circle smells like popcorn
as the ringleader dazzles the crowd.
The lion roars.
The horses gallop.
Acrobats flying through the spotlights.

The crazy clowns form a pyramid
and tumble to the floor.
The crowd roars a heavy chuckle.
Their laughs appearing as rainbows of swirls.
They stand to give a standing ovation.

The ringleader throws her hands up
and smiles a toothy grin.
Chaos circling the ring around her.
But it’s all an act as I look up at the teacher.
The circle is just a drawing on the piece of paper in front of me.

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