I Am a Sea Star | Teen Ink

I Am a Sea Star

May 8, 2013
By Marisol Carreon GOLD, Mundelein, Illinois
Marisol Carreon GOLD, Mundelein, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a sea star
Drowning in my own tide pool- struggling to adapt to the constant change
By using my spiny armor as a defense mechanism
I can prevent my soft underside from being harmed by predators
And sea creatures from tearing me apart

I have multiple eyes that help me be aware of my surroundings
And decide which sea creature I can trust

On the outside, I may seem defensive and reserved
But once you can get past my armor,
And learn to gain my trust
You will understand my complexity
And realize that there is more to me than meets the eye

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