From the Good and the Bad | Teen Ink

From the Good and the Bad

May 10, 2013
By HRawwrrr GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
HRawwrrr GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from Country music,
and bedtime stories.
From Tamagotchi, Gak, and All That.
I am from mommy and daddy’s
undivided attention.
From a childhood of content
and quite a few stumbles

I am from good memories
swing sets, friendships, butterfly kisses.
And, bad memories alike
bullies, dog bites, moving away.
From my mom’s quick wit,
stubborn nature, laugh,
and from my dad’s laid back personality.

I am from the hurt and heartaches,
and from the jokes and good times.
From the good times and the bad,
not one moment would I alter.
I am from those little things,
From the good and the bad I was formed,
and I would change a thing.

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