Snowflakes | Teen Ink


May 15, 2013
By jjkeim BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
jjkeim BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She looked at the snowflakes falling down from the sky.
She knew this place, but she didn’t know why.
She’d seen it before, in some other time.
The clock on the corner rang out its chime.
She ran for the corner, she ran towards the clock.
She ran toward the Ferris wheel out on the dock.
She wanted to feel the cold water on skin.
She wanted to return to the places she’d been.
The clock it kept chiming, loud in her head.
‘Twas the same sound she’d heard when she knew they were dead.
She continued to run through the snow and the ice.
A little relief from this sadness sure would be nice.
She came to the edge, to the steel railing there.
Into the dark water she stood there and stared.
This was not what she wanted, she should go home.
But she was so tired of being alone.
Wherever they were, she knew they’d be mad.
But they hadn’t endured the pain like she had.
She didn’t decide it, something just clicked.
She knew if she stayed she wouldn’t be fixed.
She stood up on the rail, and looked down below.
She didn’t feel scared, it was like going home.
She would be with her family, of that she was sure.
They would be together, not broken, but pure.
She flew through the air, and made a big wave.
But on her face was a smile as she drifted away.

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