Being Me | Teen Ink

Being Me

May 28, 2013
By ShakespeareanAlice GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
ShakespeareanAlice GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone has to win the Nobel Peace Prize, someone has to be a ballerina, why not us? -Carson Phillips, Struck By Lightning

I never wanted to be a boy
so maybe I don't understand
what it is you've been through
but on the other hand
do you understand my life?
Have you lived what I have lived?
Are we not individual
both above and beyond the skin?

So yeah, I'm not a tomboy
But that doesn't mean that I'm not strong
although I like wearing dresses
And skirts that aren't very long

I stand up for what I believe in
no matter what the cost
I raise my voice for women
and all those who feel lost
Those that wear their hair long
and those that cut it short
Those that seek a career in acting
or in court

So maybe I'm not you, or who you want me to be
But in spite of all that, I'm happy being me
Because me is who I've always been
And who I'll always be
So now I hope that you have seen
What a joy it is to be free!

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a Peace Jam trip I took with my friends to Michigan and the wonderful people there including Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi.

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