Lost. | Teen Ink


June 13, 2013
By gabbyshack BRONZE, Paradise Valley, Arizona
gabbyshack BRONZE, Paradise Valley, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

that familiar feeling
of heavy tears sliding down her cheeks,
was both frightening
and comforting.
she kept on walking
into the foggy clouds,
uncertain of what awaited her.
she felt oddly the same,
the same as before.
where was she going?
she was unsure;
but, the crumb of hope
left within her
propelled her body onward.
more heavy droplets
fell down her face.
but this time,
it was not the well-known tears.
the rain began pouring down.
and next was lightning.
her feet began to pedal
but she quickly slipped.
rather than pick herself up
and push through
like she always had,
she sat.
she gave up,
succumbing whatever was left of herself
to mere fate

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