Personification of Fear | Teen Ink

Personification of Fear

June 13, 2013
By BrittShae13 GOLD, Silverhill, Alabama
BrittShae13 GOLD, Silverhill, Alabama
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life"
"If i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would use my last breath to say 'i love you'"

The dark corner of a room
The eerie silence of night
The terrifying nightmares of tomorrow
Are you remembering?
Do you get those chills?
You try to run
You try to escape
Yet fears phantom is always near
Although invisible, you feel his presence
Your heart-rate quickens
As your hands begin to shake
Panic sets in
As though ice running through your veins
You know its coming
The deafening silence surrounds you
Your breathing, quick and shallow
Walls closing in on every side
You try to scream
Yet sound seems unpresent
Are you worried?
Frantically you search for light
But all in vain
As the darkness closes in, you pray
Pray that death does not find you
Yet it is near
You know, we all know
It is inevitable, fact
Unchanging and unstoppable
So as you breathe that final breath
Tell me something
Are you afraid?

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