The Hero | Teen Ink

The Hero

September 25, 2013
By Lorikeet Shmorikeet BRONZE, Bethpage, New York
Lorikeet Shmorikeet BRONZE, Bethpage, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He may not have been chosen,
or picked by hand
by old prophecies from
a far-off land,
but from the day he was born,
it was meant to be:
a hero's life
was his destiny.
He may not have been born
in a castle of stone,
but he's made all the best
of the life that's his own.
For although he may not be
surrounded by kings,
he finds happiness
in the simpler things.
He may not have been faced
with great dragons to slay,
but he fights every demon
that gets in his way.
Though he may not be scarred
from claws of tough steel,
the hardest battle is
with the way that he feels.
He may not shoot monsters
with arrows and bows,
but he can solve the biggest problems
wherever he goes.
He lends helping hands
to civilians in need,
and puts others first;
always doing good deeds.
Though he may not have villagers
to serve and protect,
he treats friends and colleagues,
with kindness and respect.
He may not have to train
wizards, Jedis, or knights,
but he's there for his friend
when it's her turn to fight.
He teaches her, coaches her,
helps her pull through,
so she's strong enough that
she can fight demons, too.
And he might not have yet
found a damsel in distress,
but somewhere, someone's waiting
to be his princess.
And until he finds her,
he'll brave the rough weather,
because he's a hero,
and he'll stay strong forever.

The author's comments:
This poem is about a dear friend of mine who is in kind of a crappy situation right now. I hope it can inspire anyone who's in a similar situation, having trouble with self esteem, girls, etc. (Most teenagers are!) Enjoy! :)

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