Baited Hook | Teen Ink

Baited Hook

September 28, 2013
By Jack Lane BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
Jack Lane BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slowly drifting along the calm water
A hooked fish tugs and vibrates the line
The hook is removed and the fish sputters away
Bobbers go up and down as tiny fish nibble at the bait

A hooked fish tugs and vibrates the line
Fleas rapidly hop across the still water
Bobbers go up and down as tiny fish nibble at the bait
The line is real in and the hook is empty

Fleas rapidly hop across the still water
The boat slightly rocks above a few small waves
The line is reeled in and the hook is empty
The fish swim off - the hook in the water is motionless

The boat slightly rocks above a few small waves
The hook is removed and the fish sputters away
The fish swim off - the hook in the water is motionless
Slowly drifting along the calm water

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because of my love for fishing and the outdoors. I hope others can gain insight around my passion and find a common interest. It is a pantoun poem.

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