Snow Cycle | Teen Ink

Snow Cycle

September 28, 2013
By Jack Lane BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
Jack Lane BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A falling flake hits the ground.

Blankets of white powder tuck mountains to bed.
Minute snowflakes decorate a lonely and bare tree.
Moonlight bounces off the snow and illuminates the wilderness.
A fox scampers, leaving nothing but paw prints behind.
A stealthy owl swoops down and snatches a mouse.


The sun peaks through the frosty white trees.
Snow sparkles in the warming sunlight.
A snoozing bird covered in snow appears as if it were a snowball.
The scent of freshness fills the outdoors.
Temperatures begin to rise.
The snow melts like a popsicle on a hot day.
Frozen flakes are turned to slippery slush.
The ground soaks up the moisture like a sponge.
Mountains, trees, and animals no longer have pure white blankets.

The snow has vanished.

The author's comments:
The beauty of nature and the mystery around the changing seasons inspired me to write this poem. I hope others can appreciate nature and its amazing cycles by reading this poem.

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