I Wish I Could Explain | Teen Ink

I Wish I Could Explain

October 12, 2013
By shianajoe BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
shianajoe BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i wish i could explain the way I love you
the feelings i get when i look into your eyes
its like the worlds stops
solids become liquids
everything evaporates
but i don't melt because thats cliche
i feel infinite
like a glimpse of your smile makes my worries sink deep within my thoughts
with you hours become minutes
Minutes become seconds
Seconds become moments
i fell inlove with my bestfriend
but how could i not
You are the epitome of imperfect perfection
blessed with
sleepy brown eyes
a smile that you have to smile with
A since of humor where everything makes you laugh
But unfortunately
You don't see what I see
When I look at you I see kindness in every crevaste
From your smile lines to your angered brow all I ever see is kindness
Maybe I'm blinded
Blinded by my stupidity
Blinded by the fact that I am cliche
I wish I could explain the way I love you
I honestly had no intention to
The first time I said it I meant it like a friend
But after a while I lost control of what I meant
I told myself it's unrealistic to be inlove with my best friend
It's cliche
Over exposed
Yet I've done it
Proven to be all those things
But I look into your face and I don't mind being cliche
But I'll never tell you
I'll never tell you
My best friend
That I am inlove with you
Because I
Your best friend
Am afraid of rejection
I wish I could explain the way I love you but to be quite frank I think you like someone else
And you look happy around her
So ill tuck these feelings with this poem
deep into my Heart
And when you ask what I'm writing
I'll say nothing
but i'll be thinking
"I wish I could explain the way I love you"

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