The Fence of Destruction | Teen Ink

The Fence of Destruction

October 20, 2013
By OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
OliviaRosaline SILVER, Arnold, Missouri
8 articles 11 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you always watch the demons behind you, you will never see the angels ahead." - Unknown

I sit as a prisoner behind a fence,
not a material one, but one of less.
A captive of a butchered world
where conflicts coalesce.

Pacing nervously up and down the walls;
I scream hysterically as time crawls.
Fate has turned into steel
as the ail again befalls.

A wretched mess
with chains tangled around my neck.
The torments without remorse
have left me an internal wreck.

The fence laughs ruthlessly
at the silent cries of my anguish;
And the chains claw brutally
as my soul fades into languish.

Echos of joy have long since faded out.
The seeds of hope and trust no longer sprout.
My faith in your savior has fallen,
all that remains here is doubt.

As shadows cast across the sky,
I find myself asking why.
Four walls surrounding fear
make everything go awry.

Tears of blood turn into splinters of regret
as hatred becomes pure.
Constantly reminded of their actions
it becomes hard to forget.

The question leads back to childhood where the fence was created.
My emotions were forced to be repressed.
Their destruction was greater than my hate;
It was spite.

The author's comments:
A fence keeps you trapped behind it, but unlike a solid wall it torments you by letting you see outside of it.

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