The Intruder | Teen Ink

The Intruder

October 24, 2013
By scarredwing SILVER, Madison WI, Wisconsin
scarredwing SILVER, Madison WI, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart.: I am, I am, I am." --Sylvia Plath

Stolen tears are shed
A selfish thief
Hijacks their moment of mourning
Appropriating their grief
Intruding on the scene
Of a funeral for
A face I did not know.

This was not my loss.
I have no right to grieve.
Feelings vex me
Her unfamiliar body
Lies cold on concrete.

Why must I feel
What was not real
To me?

Leave them in peace.
Let them have
Their hour of bereavement.

You are no survivor of this tragedy.
You are a stranger.
You are not welcome here.

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