The Still of the Night | Teen Ink

The Still of the Night

October 28, 2013
By RiannaLovesPenguins BRONZE, Westminster, Colorado
RiannaLovesPenguins BRONZE, Westminster, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I won't stay surrounded by every lie that won't come true." -My Darkest Days

The only thing holding me to the earth is you

as the rest of the world floats on up,

past the brink of our existence

and into the empty darkness,

disappearing into the still of the night.

Our faces filled with the dim light of the moon,

Shadows begin dancing across the star filled sky,

As your smile warms my heart,

Allowing me to see the sun

For a brief moment before the still night returns.

Your hand touches mine

As we sit in the tall gray grass,

Gazing up at our dancing friends in the darkest shadows.

My eyes meet yours, and I know you're the reason.

You're why I never left the ground,

To dance alone in the still of the night.

The eyes allow you to see one's soul,

And your eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen.

I lean towards you as we begin to float up,

Higher and higher, but also closer,

Not into the still of the night,

But into the light of day.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a friend :)

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