Her Nightmares Become His Reality | Teen Ink

Her Nightmares Become His Reality

October 28, 2013
By RiannaLovesPenguins BRONZE, Westminster, Colorado
RiannaLovesPenguins BRONZE, Westminster, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I won't stay surrounded by every lie that won't come true." -My Darkest Days

The light of the moon

Danced across her face as she lay in bed,

For the first time in a long time,

It's cold.

She's alone.

The house creaks with emptiness,

As if there's some invisible weight.

Her pillow's wet with tears,

Her dreams filled with his face.

The light of shots,

Going off like a firecracker on the fourth of July,

Reveal his face,

Filled with dread, fear, and hopelessness.

He hears the shout,

The order to move out.

As he's running away,

A bomb goes off

He cries out and the last thing he sees before the empty blackness,

Is her beautiful face smiling back at him.

She wakes from a nightmare,

And someones arms wrap around her,

Keeping her warm and safe.

She cries in his arms,

Thinking please don't go again.

His arms protect her from dreams,

But not reality,

Her tears wet his arms and chest,

While his own fall down his cheeks,

Onto his shirt,

And disappear somewhere beyond.

They walk to the base together,

Holding to each other tight,

He'll never let go,

She'll always be there.

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