vines | Teen Ink


November 6, 2013
By dayy135 SILVER, Sacramento, California
dayy135 SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm a long dark green vine

growing on a black picket fence

some people think I'm just an

ordinary vine but I'm not

I am a vine that grows as long and

tall as a skyscraper and never dies

as the seasons change

I am a healthy, long dark green

vine with light green leaves and if

you look closely you can see tiny

colorful flowers sprouting out of

my light green leaves

some say it is impossible for a vine

to grow that long and to sprout

colorful flowers on a light green leaves

but that does not matter to me

I am not an ordinary vine but that's

what makes me special and unique

so I'm just going to keep growing and

be myself on this black picket fence

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