squirrels | Teen Ink


November 7, 2013
By dayy135 SILVER, Sacramento, California
dayy135 SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a small,furry,light brown

squirrel,living in an old oak tree

I like to run and play and eat acorns

all day like an ordinary squirrel

but don't get me wrong

I'm not an ordinary light brown squirrel

I'm am a squirrel that loves to draw

pretty pictures and fly around in my

tiny wooden airplane

now you might think, ''That's crazy'' a

squirrel can't draw pretty pictures or

fly around in a tiny wooden airplane

but I can

and others say that I'm just an ordinary

squirrel and think I am making this up

but I'm not

I am a small,furry light brown squirrel

that has amazing talent and if you

don't believe

just watch me draw and fly around in

my wooden airplane

then you will see

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