Walden School of Liberal Arts | Teen Ink

Walden School of Liberal Arts

November 21, 2013
By smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can all ways find a simle in your day

The place.
The place that I can only be myself.
Where every one is like one huge family.
Where all my friends go.
Where people care about me!
Where I constantly get asked in a day"Leilani are you OK?"
It's where Casey,Sage,Holly,and Sierra go!
Where people care about me and not what I am.
Where people like me go to get away from getting called "You" or "That one girl!"
Where I can be expected for who I am!
Where I can be Bi and no one cares.
It's a place I can just be me.
Without some one thinking what will she or he or they think of me if they know.
It's where all the people I care about go!
It's where I want to go but don't feel accepted.
This is the place all my friends call the "Hippy school".
And I say "YES and I AM PROUD OF IT!"
It's a place that people will accept me for me.
It's where I don't have to change my colors for my friends.
It's where I can tell my real friends from my fake ones.
It's the first place I feel like I kinda belong!
It's where we do not expect bulling!
Where no one would dare to make fun of some one.
Its Nothing,Nothing like public school!
I wake up every morning knowing that I have to go through another day but its worth it because I for once have people that care about me.
So I say to my self every day.
You can do it for Sage!
You can do it for Sierra!
You can do it for Holly!
You can do it for Casey!
You can do it for Katie!
You can do it for Sami!
For all of my friends and the ones that care about me and I go on.
Because its a place I know that people care about me!

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