The Two-Faced Night | Teen Ink

The Two-Faced Night

November 18, 2013
By Anonymous

My frustration would ignite,
as the children dance through the night.
Their costumes appear so bright
under the full moon’s light.

Candy is gladly received.
Even though identities are deceived,
but participants are to be believed.
So then why am I so deeply grieved?

My costumes are never what I want.
Its as if this evening is meant to taunt,
for everything related is still a haunt,
all because of this troublesome jaunt.

Later years when I’d hand that candy out,
inside I’d just pout,
for those reoccurring words, I’d wish I could shout,?but then I’d remember all my doubt.

It wasn’t that I hated this day,
or even disliked its array.
I just wanted my frustrations to go away
so that some innocent joy, I could display

From dusk until the moon was high,
and the stars would appear in the sky,
time would seem to fly,
so that soon it’d be time to say good-bye.

Year after year i’d have to endure,
and my conscious would immure
probably so i’d just be sure,
that there wouldn’t be a Halloween cure.

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