Ode to the Other Me | Teen Ink

Ode to the Other Me

December 4, 2013
By Mater BRONZE, Whesly Chaple, Florida
Mater BRONZE, Whesly Chaple, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If not you, than who," my school had come up with this Quote, and is used as an encouragement to spread the word about Christianity.

You remind me of my feelings about my crush,
and you caught my attention like she did.
You describe your feelings about your love in an adult-like manner, though I’m still growing up, I can relate in how she makes me feel when I see her.
There can only be one word to describe you, fearless.
There can only be one word to describe her, caring.
You are fearless to express yourself,
and don’t care if you’re mocked by others for doing so.
“You are a caring and loving person,
and you do so without even trying,” I would tell her if I had the courage.
How you and I feel about them are different,

but they are the same childish feelings we have had from the beginning of our lives it seems.
How they would react to us telling them how we have felt,
we won’t know till we get the strength to say it.
If her company has sent you into a cheery mood,
like a kid tasting his first bite of a Reeses cup and he can’t get enough of them,
then you need to stock up on the pain reliever for that “love sick” heart of yours.
If she has cocked her bow and released the arrow, I swear it has found its mark in my heart.
Now there is nothing the doctors can do for me because I’ve died and gone to heaven.
I may not know who it is you are so passionate about, and we may never meet.
I know now that it is not me, who has these feelings of anxious when I’m by her side,
nor that I’m not the only one in love.
There is a girl meant for you that you have already met or will met.
There is a girl meant for me that I’m certain that I have already met, and that I could spend the rest of my time on this side of heaven.
God had a plan for you and I to meet the one girl He had for us.
God had a plan for everyone, even if it wasn’t what we were expecting.

The author's comments:
this peice was in spired though the feeling I have had for a friend of mine for quite some time.

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