The Un-Desired Love | Teen Ink

The Un-Desired Love

January 6, 2014
By ZacharyCugnet BRONZE, Surrey, Other
ZacharyCugnet BRONZE, Surrey, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"and at the moment, i swear, we were infinite"

Its a onesided relationship... She talks about her problems and I listen. I help her out, I try and comfort her. She just laughs. She talks about herself as if she is a monster under a bridge when in reality she is an angel from above and I am the fool for thinking so.

Silent screams for attention, overlooked, becoming a joke and a slogan ive created has become the very thing that tears me down. I'm not heartless, i'm not an a**hole, I'm just me. Me, who wants someone to understand how I need to share my problems and concerns but keep them bottled up inside showing not a single care in the world - its worked so far but without the person to share with, its eating me up inside...

I want her to think of me more than what my title may portray me to be. I want her to look within the chapters of my life and show a slight desire to be a character within...

However, its all too much to ask for, I am me, I do not want to change, I won't change... I am asked to change, they all want me to change... But how am I expected to change when the vocabulary within the novel of my life is too complex for me to comprehend?

The author's comments:
To Jennifer: I hope you never see this.

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